Company events

Have you ever wondered how it would be to dip into the sea and afterwards the sauna while you enjoy a spectacular panoramic view of the bay in between two meetings? Or, what about doing a team building day at the beach, that culminates in a perfect dinner made by each one of you over an open fire?

With a unique location, nestled in Høve Strand in the bay area of Sejerøbugten, Lillero is an exclusive and upscale experience. And the perfect place to host a company event. We invite you to explore the astonishing surrounding landscape – from the enchanting woods to the picturesque sea. It can be for one day, or as an actual stay in our beautiful ocean view canvas tents.

The devil is in the details, they say. Well, we say the wonders are in the details and we look forward to sharing these wonders with you firsthand.

  • 13 tents
  • Accommodation for 26
  • Restaurant w. Michelin chefs
  • Beach bar
  • Sauna and outdoor shower
  • Sea kayaking
  • Petanque 
  • 15,000 m2 large plot
  • Ocean view
  • In the middle of the woods

Company events

We can tailor your company’s event so that it fits your agenda perfectly.

If you need to mix a stay with meetings/workshops and teambuilding exercises, this can easily be done.

    Lige ved stranden

    Mindre end 100 skridt fra dit telt kan du dyppe fødderne i Sejerøbugtens smukke, klare vand.

    Lokale råvarer

    Odsherred-området bugner af nogle af Danmarks bedste lokale råvarer. Det passer perfekt til vores filosofi, hvor vi stræber efter at bruge lokale og økologiske ingredienser, når kvaliteten er i top.

    Saunaens varme, velvære og magi

    Vores sauna er en oplevelse ud over det sædvanlige – her kan du mærke glæden og magien ved varmen, der omslutter din krop.

    Høve Stræde 17
    4550 Asnæs

    Sæson: 15. maj – 31. august

    Forår 2025:
    15. maj – 27. juni
    Torsdag – Søndag

    Sommer 2025:
    27. juni – 10. august
    Mandag – Søndag

    Sensommer 2025:
    11. august – 31. august
    Mandag – Søndag

    Genfind ro og energi

    Hverdagen er ofte fyldt med stress, larm og den konstante summen fra vores digitale enheder. Vi jonglerer store og små beslutninger, holder os opdateret med nyheder, dedikerer os til arbejde, familie og venner – alt imens vi måske forsøg er at nå alverdens mål.

    Hos Lillero kan du lade alt det blive bag dig. Her skal du kun beslutte, hvornår du vil spise, tage en dukkert, nyde varmen i saunaen, slappe af eller bare have det sjovt. Det eneste, vi beder dig om, er at tage tid til dig selv – til at genopbygge energien, finde roen og genopdage de enkle glæder i livet.

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    Høve Stræde 17
    4550 Asnæs

    Season: 15 May – 31 August

    Spring 2025:
    Spring: 15 May – 27 June
    Thursday – Sunday
    Summer 2025:
    June 27rd – August 10th
    Monday – Sunday
    Late summer 2025:
    August 11th – August 31th
    Monday – Sunday.


    Rejuvenate and Revitalize

    Everyday life is often filled with stress, noise, and the constant buzz of our devices. We are juggling big and small decisions, checking the news, dedicating ourselves to work, family, and friends – all while maybe training for a marathon or balancing countless tasks.

    At Lillero, you can leave the chaos behind. Here, you don’t have to decide on anything other than when you want to eat, take a swim, unwind in the sauna, relax, or simply have fun. The only thing we ask of you is to take time for yourself – to rejuvenate, revitalize, and rediscover the simple joys of life.

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