Vilkår og betingelser
Lillero ApS
CVR.-no.: 41 05 02 25
På kan du købe ophold, der omfatter minimum 2-nætters ophold, weekendophold, korte getaways og længere ferier. Alle priser er angivet i danske kroner (DKK).
En booking er bindende for både gæsten og Lillero ved betaling eller ved modtagelse af en skriftlig bekræftelse fra Lillero.
Ved betaling og bekræftelse accepterer gæsten disse vilkår og betingelser.
Gæster accepterer også, at Lillero kan sende markedsføringsmateriale til deres e-mailadresse.
Ankomst og Afrejse:
- Tjek-ind: Kl. 15.00 – 18.00.
- Tjek-ud: Kl. 11.00.
Personlige oplysninger:
Gæsten skal oplyse korrekte personlige oplysninger på de personer, der skal bo på Lillero, som krævet af lovgivning.
Skal anvendes i henhold til kampagnebetingelserne. Lillero forbeholder sig retten til at annullere bookinger, der ikke opfylder disse betingelser.
Ophold betales ved booking.
Følgende betalingskort accepteres: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Maestro, Visa Electron og Diners.
Right of withdrawal
Bookings of stays are exempt from the general rule on the right of withdrawal for purchases by telephone and internet, but it is possible to cancel according to the rules below.
Afbestilling og ændringer
Afbestilling: Skal ske mindst 30 dage før tjek-ind. Ingen refundering tilbydes, men et gavekort kan udstedes.
Ændringer: Ophold kan kun ændres inden for den samme sæson.
Force majeure
Bestillinger kan annulleres uden varsel af Lillero som følge af force majeure, strejke eller andre forhold uden for stedets kontrol. I disse tilfælde tilbydes nye datoer for opholdet.
Medbring dit reservationsnummer ved ankomst – se e-mailbekræftelsen for reservation og betaling.
Ved booking og betaling accepterer gæsten at hæfte for eventuelle skader eller mangler på teltet, møbler, udstyr mv. under opholdet samt udgifter til ekstraordinær rengøring.
Gæsten autoriserer Lillero til at trække eventuelle omkostninger som nævnt ovenfor på det betalingskort, der blev brugt ved booking. En faktura fremsendes efter skaden er udbedret.
Under opholdet
Der må ikke opholde sig flere personer i teltet, end der er oplyst ved booking.
Gæster må ikke medbringe overnattende gæster uden aftale med Lillero.
Reservationen er personlig – overdragelse uden aftale med Lillero medfører automatisk annullering uden refundering.
Ro og respekt
Lillero er et sted for afslapning og ro. Efter kl. 22.00 skal der være stille.
Større grupper ved teltene og høj musik er ikke tilladt. Akustisk musik er dog velkommen.
Overtrædelser kan medføre bortvisning uden refundering.
Kæledyr er ikke tilladt på Lillero af hensyn til ro og allergivenlige forhold i teltene.
Forår: En fredfyldt tid på Lillero, som udelukkende er for voksne. Vi tager ikke imod børn i denne periode.
Sommer: Fra den 27. juni til den 10. august 2025 byder vi varmt velkommen til børn under 12 år. Dette er den ideelle periode for familier til at nyde stranden og vores smukke omgivelser sammen.
Sensommer: Efter den 10. august vender vi tilbage til en roligere atmosfære, hvor vi kun tager imod voksne. Børn er ikke tilladt i denne periode.
Vi takker for din forståelse og glæder os til at byde dig velkommen i den sæson, der passer bedst til dine behov.
Rygning er ikke tilladt i teltene. Udendørs er rygning tilladt, undtagen på caféterrassen. Rygning i telte medfører et gebyr på 5.000 DKK til ekstra rengøring.
Sikkerhed og ejendele
Lillero er ikke ansvarlig for gæsters ejendele.
Glemte ejendele returneres kun, hvis forsendelse aftales og betales af gæsten.
Gæster er ansvarlige for sikkerhed ved badning og brug af bålsted.
Alle telte har et bålsted foran. Disse må aldrig efterlades uden opsyn. Derudover forbeholder Lillero sig retten til at forbyde brugen af bål under kraftig vind eller meget tørt vejr for at sikre offentlig sikkerhed.
Har du spørgsmål til dette, er du altid velkommen til at kontakte os.
Personal information
Personal and payment information is only passed on to public authorities and only in accordance with laws and regulations.
Fejl kan ske – og vi forbeholder os retten til at lave trykfejl/tastefejl på hjemmesiden.
Hvis der opstår mangler eller utilfredsstillende forhold, opfordres gæsten til at kontakte Lillero hurtigst muligt, så vi kan rette op på situationen.
Kontakt Lillero
Spørgsmål om booking eller andre forhold vedrørende Lillero kan rettes til:
Lillero, Høve Stræde 17, 4550 Asnæs
Business information
Lillero ApS
CVR.-no.: 41 05 02 25
At you can buy services in the form of overnight stays (2 nights minimum), weekend stays, short breaks and longer vacations. The prices quoted are all in Danish kroner, DKK.
Booking is binding on both parties upon the guest’s payment or at the latest, when Lillero has sent confirmation of the booking by e-mail.
By ordering and paying the confirmed price, the guest accepts these terms.
When ordering, the guest accepts that Lillero can send marketing material to the guest’s email.
Unless otherwise agreed, the tent is available from 3 PM (15.00) with arrival no later than 6 PM (18.00) until 11 AM (11.00) on the day of departure. Additional time added can be agreed upon by separate payment.
When booking, the customer must provide the necessary personal information for the person/persons who will be staying at Lillero.
This is required by public authorities and for Lillero’s records .
Danish guests must provide full name, address and telephone number.
Foreign guests must provide full name, date of birth, nationality, address, telephone number, passport number or other travel document.
Upon arrival, the guest must present identification and by signature confirm the information.
The above appears from Executive Order no. 943 of 05.10.2005 and Executive Order no. 958 of 21.09.2004.
All stays are paid in advance when booking.
You can pay with all major payment / credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Maestro, Visa Electron & Diners.
Right of withdrawal
Bookings of stays are exempt from the general rule on the right of withdrawal for purchases by telephone and internet, but it is possible to cancel according to the rules below.
Reservations must be canceled at least 30 days prior to check-in. If done timely (at least 30 days prior to check-in), we will refund 100 percent of the stay’s total cost.
Force majeure
Orders can be canceled without notice from Lillero due to force majeure, strike or other circumstances beyond the control of the site. We will then offer rescheduled dates for the stay.
Bring a reservation number on arrival – see the email confirmation of reservation and payment.
When ordering and paying, the guest agrees to be liable for any defects or damage to the tent, furniture, equipment, etc. incurred during the stay as well as any expenses for extraordinary cleaning. Any errors, omissions and accidents that occurred during the stay must be reported to Lillero as soon as possible.
By booking and paying, the guest authorizes Lillero to deduct any expenses as mentioned above on the payment / credit card used to pay for the stay. An invoice will be sent after the damage has been repaired.
During the stay
No more people may stay in the tent than stated when booking. If the guest receives overnight guests, this must be notified to Lillero and any supplement to the price will be settled. The reservation is personal – transfer without agreement with Lillero entails automatic cancellation of the reservation without refund.
Keep it calm
As Lillero’s guests are here for rejuvenation, it is important that this is respected by everyone. After 10 PM (22.00) it must be quiet and we do not allow large groups sitting by the tents, as it will easily disturb other guests. We do not want music from brought-in systems, but you are very welcome to play acoustically calm music. If this is not complied with, you may be asked to check out without a refund.
We love animals, but you are not allowed to bring your furry friends to Lillero. It is important to us that everyone gets the necessary peace to relax completely and that all tents are free of animal hair for any allergy sufferers.
In the early summer period (1/6 – 24/6 2022) and in the late summer (8/8 – 31/8-2022) we focus on being extra calm, so we have therefore chosen that in these periods you should be minimum 12 years to join Lillero.
During the school summer holidays (25/6 – 7/8-2022) everyone is welcome.
We point out that only children up to the age of 18 can stay overnight on a bed and only during the school summer holidays do we offer a bed.
Smoking policy
Smoking is not allowed indoors in the tent. Outside you can generally smoke everywhere. On our café patio, however, you are not allowed to smoke, as it is for dining guests. We recommend showing consideration and also being cautious of fire hazards during dry times.
Guests who do not follow the site’s smoking policy will be asked to leave Lillero. Smoking in a tent entails an extra bill of DKK 1,850 to cover lack of opportunities for sale the night after as well as extra cleaning and cleaning of textiles.
Security and belongings
Lillero is not responsible for loss or damage of our guests property. However, we have a safety box in all tents you can use for passports, money etc.
In addition, you are responsible for the safety of swimming in the sea, and Lillero has no lifeguard on the beach. You are also responsible for your own safety at Lillero. Feel free to come to us if there is a suspicion of something not working as it should.
Most tents have a fire pit in the front. These must never be left on without supervision. Furthermore, Lillero always has the right to ban the lighting of bonfires in strong winds or very dry weather to ensure public safety.
Please, always come to us if there are any questions about this.
Personal information
Personal and payment information is only passed on to public authorities and only in accordance with laws and regulations.
Typographical error
Mistakes happen – and we reserve the right to make printing errors on the website.
In the event of deficiencies or unsatisfactory conditions, the guest is asked to notify Lillero as soon as possible so that the situation can be rectified.
Contact Lillero
Questions regarding booking or anything else about Lillero can be directed to:
Lillero, Høve Stræde 17, 4550 Asnæs
Telephone: 26 24 95 80 / 31 10 10 34 (24-hour telephone)